Stake and Earn
An alternative approach to yield
Staking Mechanics
Rather than the basic compounded interest most APR token farms use, we developed a discrete earn mechanism for looping within the Infinity Stake. As a token earns, it will eventually grow to have a whole 2nd token within itself, with its own NFT minted.
That token is staked within its own ERC721 and begins taking as well, meaning the original single token, staked is now 2 tokens, both staking and earning within their respective NFT. Because they are each their own token rather than a simple growing balance, the newly created staked token is ALSO transferable!
This method lets us create a high yield farm, while providing the same infinite staking design that gives users the freedom to own and freely transfer their staked tokens.
The earn formula is described below.
Earn Mechanics
This token earns a fixed yield of % per period on its initial value until it creates another full token, at which point the yield is calculated on a new doubled value, and so on. This is a bit different from continuous compounding interest you see on APR%, as it involves discrete increases based on doubling milestones.
: The initial value of token is always 1.
: The yield rate .
: The total number of weeks staked.
: The total value at week .
: The value at which the yield generates another token.
Initial Stage: For weeks until the first doubling, the increase is per week.
Post-Doubling: Once the token's value doubles from its current base, the base for calculating the % yield increases to this new doubled value.
Discrete Formula Representation
Initialize V = 1 (value of the token), D = 1 (current doubling base)
For each week t from 1 to T: a. If V < 2 * D:
V = V + D * r (apply the % yield on the current base) b. Else:
Update D to the new doubled value (D = 2 * D)
V = V + D * r (apply the % yield on the new base)
The value of V at the end of T weeks is the result.
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